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How was your pain today?

Delete everything?

This will clear your medication record and configured medications.

Share medication record

You can share your recorded medications with doctors and other healthcare practitioners by letting them know your unique app ID.
Once you've done this, the data can be attributed to you. This includes doses you record in the future.
The data shared is only what's visible in the "medication record" tab - nothing else on your phone.
App ID:

The "Show notifications" setting needs to be enabled.
Tabtracker works in a portrait orientation. If you're on a phone, please rotate it. If you're on a computer, try using a phone or resize the window.

Select medications to record

▸ View important information

Your data

The records of what you've taken is stored on your phone (it even works when you have no internet!). This app also reports usage data that is anonymised before sending. This data is used only for research and improving patient care.

Don't send data

Share your data

Reveal your App ID to share your data with others.


Send me a reminder when a dose can be taken